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Understanding Product Categories

Product Categories are used to keep products sorted. Each Oncord product needs to be assigned to at least one Product Category, so it's a good idea to set up your Product Category structure before populating your store with Products. 

To get started, log in to the website dashboard and navigate to the Dashboard > Commerce > Products page.

Select the Categories button on the top of the page to view all product categories on the website. Click the "New Category" button located towards the top of the page to configure a new product category.

Configure the Product Category

You have the following configuration options when creating a Product Category:

Category Title - Enter the title of the Product Category. By default Oncord will also use the title to generate the website page address.

Description - Enter a description of the product category. This description is displayed publicly to assist users navigating through your online store. 

Parent Category - If the new category will sit underneath another category in your online store structure, it is called the "Parent Category". Use this dropdown list to select the Parent Category. 

Product Category Icon - Upload an image for this Product Category (not required). 

Text When Category is Viewed - When a Product Category is viewed in your online store, you may define text here to be displayed towards the top of the page. 

Additional Attributes

Visibility - Tick the "Invisible" option if you would like to hide the product category from your online store. Administrator users will still be able to see Invisible Product Categories. 

Group Visibility - To restrict the contacts who can view this product category you may use Groups. 

SEO Options

"SEO" is an acronym for "Search Engine Optimisation", these items may assist in improving your position in search engines such as Google.

Page URI - This is the address users will visit on the website to view this product category. By default Oncord will set this URI using the Product Category Title, however you may override the URI. 

Description - This is used to define the SEO Description Metadata tag. Taking the time to write an SEO description of your product categories will assist your position in search engines. 

Keywords - This field is used to define keywords associated with this product category. Separate your keyword phrases with a comma.