3min Explainer Walkthrough
- Generate a Design
Page Management
Page Editing
Form Builder
- Updating Your Navigation Menu
- Creating Page Redirectors
- Posts Management
Search Engine Optimization
- Setting Up Google Marketing Tools
- Setting Up Meta Pixel & E-commerce Tracking
- Setting Up Microsoft Marketing Tools
- Setting Up Linkedin Insight Tag
- Optimizing Images For Web
- Third Party Embed Code
3min Explainer Walkthrough
- Contacts
- Marketing
- Commerce
- Apps
Settings and Config
- Going Live
- Updating Your Billing Details
- Changing Your Oncord Plan
- Domain Health Checker
- Managing Administrators
- Registering a Domain Name
- Changing Your Domain Name
- Backing Up Your Website
- Choosing an E-mail Host
- Hosting Email With Oncord
- Setting Up Gmail Hosting
- Setting Up Office 365 Hosting
- Setting Up Sub Domains
- Hosting a Sub-Site
Running Paid Events
If you wish to run paid events, Oncord's Commerce features are also required.
To enable the Commerce features:
Adding features and changing your Oncord plan is easy, click here for instructions.
Configure a Paid Event
To get started, either create a new event, or edit an existing event:
When editing an event, select the "Pricing" tab to configure payment and pricing options for the event.
Tick the option "Admittance requires purchase" to view additional options for configuring pricing and payment. You will be presented with an option to either create a new product, or find an existing product.
The event needs to correspond to a Product within Oncord Commerce component.
When the "Create New Product" option is selected, the details you enter into the Price, Brand and Category fields will be used to create a new Product. Alternatively you may select the "Find / Edit Existing" to search your Product catalog for a product that already exists. You shouldn't need to edit the Product associated with your event - its details are updated by editing the Event.
The Product will be created when you click Save Event. The next time you visit the Pricing section, "Find / Edit Existing" option will be selected.
As suggested by the [change] link, the product that is linked to the Event may be changed easily. You may want to consider removing Products that you have created but no longer use, as they will appear in the Products database (go to Dashboard > Commerce > Products to review your product catalog).
Guest Pricing
You may opt to charge guests a different price.
If guests are allowed (allow guests through the "RSVP Options" tab), an additional field will display at the bottom of the pricing section to enable guest pricing.
If the "Different" option for guest pricing is selected, an Additional Attribute will be added to the product specifying the guest price as an ordering option.
Order Options
Within the pricing details of an Event, Product Order Options can be used to allow attendees to choose between event options. Order options can be used to modify the price to attend the event.
As an example - you may setup a "Ticket Type" option, with the values Standard, VIP, and Sponsor, where each option is priced differently:
The above order options would then show to users when they RSVP for an event:
Taking Payment & RSVP for Paid Events
If your event has been configured to require purchase, your configured payment methods will appear below the RSVP form.
To configure payment methods, go to Dashboard > Settings > Commerce > Payment Methods. Click here to learn more about payment methods.
When a user completes payment for the event, an invoice will be raised and sent automatically.