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Events Management

The Events Management App allows you to receive RSVPs for events, workshops or seminars via your website.

In this article:

Events Management App Features
Events Management App Requirements
Enable the Events Management App
Creating Events
Managing Events Categories
Adding Events Repeater to Your Website
Promoting Events
QR Code Check-in
Running Paid Events
Hosting Invite-only Events
Event Automation Triggers
Events Calendar

Events Management App Features

Host paid or unpaid events. 
Host invite-only or public events.
Restrict the number of event attendees.
Specify an RSVP deadline.
Allow attendees to bring guests, or send someone else in their place. 
Use custom fields to capture additional data, such as dietary requirements.
Use QR codes to record guest attendance faster at the event.
Discounts may be applied to paid events.
Allow attendees to choose from event options, which can modify pricing. 
Print a guest list, and name tags for your attendees.
Configure reminders and confirmation messages to be sent to attendees via e-mail or SMS. 
Use event attendance to target future marketing efforts. 

Events Management App Requirements

The Events Management App is included with Oncord's Marketing features.

If you wish to take payment for events via Oncord, the Commerce features are also required.

Click here to view Oncord pricing

To enable the Marketing, or Commerce features:

Click the Settings icon, located at the bottom of the left sidebar of the Dashboard.
Click the "Features" option to review the features you have enabled.

Click here for more detailed instructions.

Enable the Events Management App

Navigate to Dashboard > Settings.
Click the "Features" option to review the features you have enabled.
Within the Marketing feature, click the "ON/OFF" button located in the Events Management Option.

 You will notice that a new events page appears under the "Marketing" heading in the left-hand sidebar. 

Creating Events

After installing the Events Management App, get started by creating a new event.

Navigate to Dashboard > Marketing > Events to manage and create events. 
Click the New Event button to get started entering details for your event.

You will be presented with a configuration form. The minimum required information for a new event is a title, start time and end time. Set a sensible event title, as this will be displayed publicly when your users RSVP. 

New Event - Basic Options

Event Title: Displayed as a heading on the RSVP page, and when an attendee adds the event to their Google or Outlook Calendar.

Image: Upload an icon for this event. It will be displayed as the event cover image in the event repeater.

Timezone: Confirm the timezone that the start / end times are being specified in.

Start Time: The time when the event will start. Users may still RSVP for an event after the start time, so if you'd like to prevent this from happening you need to ensure that you set the RSVP deadline (in the RSVP Options tab). Both the start and end time will be displayed on the RSVP page. 

End Time: The when the event will end. Users cannot RSVP for an event after the event end time. 

Location: The location is displayed after the user has RSVP'd, and also when an attendee adds the event to their Google or Outlook Calendar. 

RSVP URL: Specify whether attendees will register for this event through your Oncord website, or be directed elsewhere. This setting allows you to display all your upcoming events on your website, regardless of whether you are managing RSVP within Oncord. 

Maximum number of Attendees: Select this option to restrict the number of attendees allowed at the event.

QR Code Check In: When this option is selected for an event, a QR code can be included in the event reminders sent to attendees, which allows admins to quickly check-in attendees at the event.

Short Description: This short description acts as a teaser, and may optionally be displayed where events are listed throughout the website. 

Description: This description is displayed on the public RSVP page, above the RSVP form. 

New Event - Additional RSVP Options

Invitation Required: You may opt for this event to be "Open", or "Invite only". Public users will be unable to RSVP or view the details of an invite only event until they login, and as long as they have been invited to the event. You can send an e-mail marketing campaign with an RSVP link to attendees, they will be logged in after clicking a link in the e-mail campaign. 

RSVP Deadline: Contacts will not be able to RSVP after this time (you may still manually RSVP attendees though). Ensure that the "Timezone" field has been set correctly, as the RSVP deadline will also use that timezone. 

Allow 'Maybe' RSVP: If you select this option attendees can select 'Maybe' as an option on the RSVP form for the event.

Alternate RSVP: This option will allow contacts to specify someone to attend in their place when they RSVP. This option is mostly applicable to invite only events, allowing attendees to send another person in their place instead of the user who was invited. 

Allowed Guests: Select this option to allow attendees to bring guests, you may specify the maximum number of guests allowed. 

Require Address on Registration: To encourage event registration, by default Oncord will not ask attendees for their address. Tick this option to require the user to enter their address.

Registration Fields: Custom fields may be used to include more custom options in the RSVP form, such as dietary requirements. 

Managing Events Categories

When you have multiple types of events for different purposes, it is recommended to create event categories to classify your events.

To create a new event category:

  • Navigate to Dashboard > Marketing > Events.
  • Click the Categories option at the top of the page.
  • Click the New Category button.
  • Provide a meaningful title and description for this new category for your reference.
  • Click Save.

Assigning Events to Categories

After creating event categories, you can assign events to specific categories when creating new events.

Filtering Events by Category

When you have a large number of accumulated events with different categories, you can use our filter tool to sort events by categories.

Adding Events Repeater to Your Website

The Oncord Events Repeater allows you to display dynamic event information on your website, keeping your website content always up to date.

To add the Events Repeater into an existing page:

  • Open the page editor of the page.
  • Click the "Insert" button in the left panel.
  • Scroll down to the "Dynamic" section and drag the "Events" element into the page.
  • Configure the options such as:
    • Events template, filter, and order;
    • What event information and which event categories will be shown.
  • Click the "Save" button.

Promoting Events

Advertising & Marketing for Events

Oncord posts are generally used for advertising events on your website (more on this below), and you may also send an e-mail campaign with an RSVP link to your contact database.

After installing the Events Management App, the "Conditions" engine will be updated throughout your Dashboard, allowing you to target email or SMS messages based on event attendance. 

This section will explain how to setup Posts and Pages to advertise an event on your website. This tutorial assumes that you have already created an event, so if you've skipped that step please create an event using the instructions above before continuing. 

There are two common Methods for users to RSVP for events via the website:

1. User clicks a Post > Completes RSVP

2. User clicks a Post > Reads Page, clicks a button or link > Completes RSVP

The first method is usually recommend, all you need to do is create a post, and for the "Full Version / Link to" option you will set the Post to link to your event. This means that when users click the post, they'll just be directed straight to the events RSVP page.

With the second method, you'll setup a Post, and for the "Full Version / Link To", you'll create a new page. On that page you'll have some info about the event, and normally add a link to the page somewhere that links to RSVP for the event. This method is ideal if you've setup multiple events for different ticketing options, because you can add buttons for each different event.

Linking a Post to an Event

Following the first method listed above: 

Create the event. 

Create a Post, advertising the event on the website

As part of Post creation, set the "Full Version / Link To" to the relevant Event. 

Link a Post to a Page, and a Page to the RSVP Form

Following the second method listed above:

Create the event.

Create a post, advertising the event throughout the website.

As part of the post creation, you'll create a new page which will drive traffic to the event.

Link the page to the events RSVP page.

Steps to Create a Post

The aim of the post is to act as a small "Teaser", which will link to a full page dedicated to the event.

Step 1: Go to Dashboard > Website > Posts.

Step 2: Select the "New Posts" button, located towards the top of the page.

Step 3: Configure your new post. As seen in the Example below, add a title, select a category (the category determines where the event post will display on your website), upload an image and write a small teaser / short description.

For the "Full Version / Link To" option, select the option "Create a New Page". This will generate a new page for the post to be linked to.

Step 4: Click the "Save & Create Linked Page" button, located at the bottom of the form. Clicking this button will take you to the new page, where you'll enter more details about the event.

Steps to Create an Events Page

After creating a post using the steps above, you should be looking at an empty page with the page editor open. The aim of this page is to list more details about the event, convincing users to RSVP. Use the page editor to add content, and perhaps an image. For an example of how an events page might look, see the image below.

Linking a Page to the Event RSVP

To allow users to RSVP, you'll need to place a link or button on the page which links to the RSVP form. To link your new page to the events RSVP form:

Step 1: In a new tab or window in your browser, Go to Dashboard > Customers > Events.

Step 2: Select your Event, and select the "View Online" button. Clicking this button will open the RSVP form for your event. Copy the URL.

Step 3: Go back to the Page and create a link (eg. "Click here to RSVP"), select the text and click the link tool in the page editor toolbar.

Step 4: In the URL field, Paste the URL that you copied earlier. Need more help adding a link? click here. 

Congratulations! You have now created an event, a post article and an information page for your event! You can now use the event information page to advertise your event through Social Media and Email Marketing.

QR Code Check-in

The QR code check-in feature can help reduce time spent checking-in attendees at events. When this feature is enabled for an event, a QR code will be included in the events reminder sent to attendees, which can then be scanned when they arrive at the event.

How to Enable the QR Code Check-in For an Event

Follow the steps below to enable the QR Code Check-in feature:

Navigate to Dashboard > Marketing > Events to manage your events.
Click the event you want to edit or create a new event.
Click the "Edit Event" button under the Page Title.
Tick the "Enable Check In via QR Code" option in the "QR Code Check In" field.
Click the "Save Event" button.

How to Configure the RSVP Confirmation With the QR Code

After the QR Code Check-in feature has been enabled, then you need to configure an RSVP confirmation with the QR code for the event. 

To configure the RSVP Confirmation with the QR code:

Click the "Configure Event" button at the top right of the event page.
Click the "RSVP Confirmation" option to add a new reminder for the event.
Click the "RSVP Confirmation" at the top to edit the reminder.
The "Include QR Code" option is selected as default, you can then adjust the Email Subject and send a test to a specified email.
Once you are happy with the configurations, tick the "Enabled" option. 
Click the "Save Reminder" button.
Then the attendees will receive a confirmation email with a unique QR code after they RSVP for the event.

How to Check in Attendees via QR Code

You may use a mobile device to better access the QR code scanning tool.

To check in attendees via QR code:

Click or tap the "QR Check In" button at the top right of the Event page.
Click or tap the "Request Camera Permissions" button.
Click or tap "Allow" to access the camera of your device.
Scan the QR code displayed in the attendee's RSVP confirmation email.
A notification will pop up at the top right corner when the attendee has been successfully checked in.
A green icon will also be displayed in the "Attendance Status" column next to the attendee.

Running Paid Events

If you wish to run paid events, Oncord's Commerce features are also required.

To enable the Commerce features:

Click the Settings icon, located at the bottom of the left sidebar of the Dashboard.
Click the "Features" option to review the features you have enabled.

Adding features and changing your Oncord plan is easy, click here for instructions.

Configure a Paid Event

To get started, either create a new event, or edit an existing event:

Navigate to Dashboard > Marketing > Events to view and create events.

When editing an event, select the "Pricing" tab to configure payment and pricing options for the event.

Tick the option "Admittance requires purchase" to view additional options for configuring pricing and payment. You will be presented with an option to either create a new product, or find an existing product. 

The event needs to correspond to a Product within Oncord Commerce component.

When the "Create New Product" option is selected, the details you enter into the Price, Brand and Category fields will be used to create a new Product. Alternatively you may select the "Find / Edit Existing" to search your Product catalog for a product that already exists. You shouldn't need to edit the Product associated with your event - its details are updated by editing the Event. 

The Product will be created when you click Save Event. The next time you visit the Pricing section, "Find / Edit Existing" option will be selected.

As suggested by the  [change] link, the product that is linked to the Event may be changed easily. You may want to consider removing Products that you have created but no longer use, as they will appear in the Products database (go to Dashboard > Commerce > Products to review your product catalog).

Guest Pricing

You may opt to charge guests a different price.

If guests are allowed (allow guests through the "RSVP Options" tab), an additional field will display at the bottom of the pricing section to enable guest pricing. 

If the "Different" option for guest pricing is selected, an Additional Attribute will be added to the product specifying the guest price as an ordering option. 

Order Options

Within the pricing details of an Event, Product Order Options can be used to allow attendees to choose between event options. Order options can be used to modify the price to attend the event. 

As an example - you may setup a "Ticket Type" option, with the values Standard, VIP, and Sponsor, where each option is priced differently:

The above order options would then show to users when they RSVP for an event:

Taking Payment & RSVP for Paid Events

If your event has been configured to require purchase, your configured payment methods will appear below the RSVP form. 

To configure payment methods, go to Dashboard > Settings > Commerce > Payment Methods. Click here to learn more about payment methods. 

When a user completes payment for the event, an invoice will be raised and sent automatically. 

Hosting Invite-only Events

This article will walk you through the process of hosting an "invite only" event, which involves creating the event, and then sending an e-mail campaign with an invitation to guests. 

The Workflow

To receive RSVPs for an invite-only event you will follow these steps (more details below): 

Create the event through Dashboard > Marketing > Events

 Add attendees to the event

Send an e-mail invitation to attendees requesting they RSVP to the event

Send an e-mail follow-up reminder to attendees who haven't RSVP'd. 

Invite only events do not allow general users to RSVP. You will send an e-mail campaign with an RSVP link, when the contact clicks the RSVP link they will be automatically logged in to the website, allowing them to RSVP for the event. 

Create and Configure an Invite Only Event

 Navigate to Dashboard > Marketing > Events, and click the New Event button.

Enter your event details (title, start time, end time, timezone etc).

Click the "RSVP Options" tab to reveal more configuration options. 

Change the "Invitation required" field to select the option "Invitation Only"

If you would like to allow your guests to send an alternative person in their place if they are unable to attend, select the option "Allow Alternate Guest Registration". 

Click "Save Event" when you have configured your event. 

Adding Attendees

After you have configured your event, it's time to start adding attendees, who will later RSVP. Think of attendees as the contacts who you would like to attend the event. Don't worry, Oncord won't automatically send an invite as soon as you add an attendee to an event. 

After saving the event you will be directed to a page where you can view attendees and their RSVP statuses. Otherwise, navigate to Dashboard > Marketing > Events and click select your event. 

Select the "Add Attendee" button, and a dialog box will appear. Search for the contact you would like to add as an attendee. If the contact doesn't exist on your database yet, you will need to close the dialog box, and navigate to Dashboard > Customers > Contacts and add the contacts to your database first. 

You can specify the RSVP status of an attendee when you add them. In most cases you will specify the Attendance Status of "No RSVP", to specify that they haven't RSVP'd yet.

Inviting Attendees

After you have added attendees to the event, you're ready to send an e-mail marketing campaign with a link to RSVP. 

To do this, open the event (Dashboard > Marketing > Events, click the event), and then click the "E-mail" button. 

A dialog box will appear, which allows you to specify which attendees you would like to e-mail. You will have added your attendees with the RSVP status of "No RSVP", so select this option. Click the "Create E-mail" button. 

After you click the "Create E-mail" button, Oncord will create a new e-mail marketing message, and copy across the event details to save time. At the bottom of the message there is a link to RSVP for the event. 

Oncord will configure the e-mail campaign to only send to Contacts as you have specified (contacts with RSVP status of "No RSVP"). When you prepare to send your e-mail campaign, you can check the contacts who will receive the message by clicking the number next to the text "Number of contacts to send to". 

When a user clicks the RSVP link, they will be taken through to the website to RSVP for the event. When a contact clicks a link in an e-mail marketing campaign they are automatically logged in, so the RSVP page will recognize that they are invited to the event. 

Event Automation Triggers

Oncord provides a list of pre-set automation triggers for events that you can configure for a smooth automated workflow.

To create a new automation:

  • Navigate to Dashboard > Marketing > Automation > New Automation.
  • Give a meaningful title to this automation.
  • Click "Select an event" to reveal the automation trigger menu.

Automation Triggers

Events - When an event is about to start
An example of using this trigger is to send a reminder email to the attendees before the event starts.

Events - When an event ends
An example of using this trigger is to send a follow-up email to the attendees after the event.

Events - When someone is added to an event
An example of using this trigger is to send a welcome email to the person who has registered.

Please visit our help article on Marketing Automation to learn more about the configuration in detail.

Event Calendar

You can view and manage your events effectively using our visual Event Calendar:

  • Navigate to Dashboard > Marketing > Events.
  • Click the Event Calendar option at the top of the page.
  • The calendar is displayed in a monthly view by default. You can change the view to Day, Week, or List by clicking the corresponding options at the top-right.
  • You can check the event details by clicking the specific event in the calendar.