3min Explainer Walkthrough
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Form Builder
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3min Explainer Walkthrough
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- Domain Health Checker
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- Registering a Domain Name
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- Backing Up Your Website
- Choosing an E-mail Host
- Hosting Email With Oncord
- Setting Up Gmail Hosting
- Setting Up Office 365 Hosting
- Setting Up Sub Domains
- Hosting a Sub-Site
Hosting Invite Only Events
This article will walk you through the process of hosting an "invite only" event, which involves creating the event, and then sending an e-mail campaign with an invitation to guests.
The Workflow
To receive RSVPs for an invite-only event you will follow these steps (more details below):
Invite only events do not allow general users to RSVP. You will send an e-mail campaign with an RSVP link, when the contact clicks the RSVP link they will be automatically logged in to the website, allowing them to RSVP for the event.
Create and Configure an Invite Only Event
Adding Attendees
After you have configured your event, it's time to start adding attendees, who will later RSVP. Think of attendees as the contacts who you would like to attend the event. Don't worry, Oncord won't automatically send an invite as soon as you add an attendee to an event.
After saving the event you will be directed to a page where you can view attendees and their RSVP statuses. Otherwise, navigate to Dashboard > Marketing > Events and click select your event.
Select the "Add Attendee" button, and a dialog box will appear. Search for the contact you would like to add as an attendee. If the contact doesn't exist on your database yet, you will need to close the dialog box, and navigate to Dashboard > Customers > Contacts and add the contacts to your database first.
You can specify the RSVP status of an attendee when you add them. In most cases you will specify the Attendance Status of "No RSVP", to specify that they haven't RSVP'd yet.
Inviting Attendees
After you have added attendees to the event, you're ready to send an e-mail marketing campaign with a link to RSVP.
To do this, open the event (Dashboard > Marketing > Events, click the event), and then click the "E-mail" button.
A dialog box will appear, which allows you to specify which attendees you would like to e-mail. You will have added your attendees with the RSVP status of "No RSVP", so select this option. Click the "Create E-mail" button.
After you click the "Create E-mail" button, Oncord will create a new e-mail marketing message, and copy across the event details to save time. At the bottom of the message there is a link to RSVP for the event.
Oncord will configure the e-mail campaign to only send to Contacts as you have specified (contacts with RSVP status of "No RSVP"). When you prepare to send your e-mail campaign, you can check the contacts who will receive the message by clicking the number next to the text "Number of contacts to send to".
When a user clicks the RSVP link, they will be taken through to the website to RSVP for the event. When a contact clicks a link in an e-mail marketing campaign they are automatically logged in, so the RSVP page will recognize that they are invited to the event.